Have you heard of DNS without perhaps fully understanding its meaning? You fall at spades. Here we have tried to put together everything you need to better understand the notion of DNS, in detail.
What to understand about DNS: simple meaning and principle
From its English acronym Domain Name System , DNS or “Domain Name System” is a computer service used for the translation of internet domain names into IP addresses. Since its inception in the early years of the internet (1985), DNS has really served the development of the network. It is he who represents the yellow pages on the internet. But with DNS, IP address searches are done automatically by the computer connected to the Internet. For other types of information about DNS, visit https://www.incredible-tricks.com/.
Communication over an IP network between two computers is made possible by their respective IP addresses. As with a mailing address, a computer also needs the IP address of the other computer before it can locate it. It is by the same principle that your computer was able to find Google to allow you to connect to it.
How DNS works
The DNS is also the program which translates the numbers into names and vice versa, and we call DNS server , the computers on which a DNS works. DNS can be seen as a telephone directory except that here the correspondence is between computer names and IP addresses: the latter is called “DNS record”. Since all the records cannot be placed in a single directory, the DNS is divided into small units of directories called “domains”. They too are organized into small branches called “zones”.
To know a name or a number, each computer can query its DNS server. If a record is needed, it issues a query to query other DNS servers. There is also another thing to be aware of, the “authoritative name server”. It is thanks to it that administrators manage the IP addresses and server names of their domains. When they want to make any changes to an IP address or a server name, it is done on its “master DNS server”.